5 Ways Climate Change Impacts Gutters


Climate change is a trending topic in the news today, given its powerful effects. From increased rainfall to forest fires, climate change can affect our society in many ways. Changes in weather patterns have widespread impact on the world around us, from record-breaking heatwaves in Europe to flooding and frequent major weather events.

One thing you might not have realized is that climate change can even affect your gutters! Keep reading to learn about the five ways climate change can affect your gutters.

More Rain = More Work for the Gutters

Climate change can affect the amount of rainfall. Over the last few years, more heavy rain and widespread flooding have occurred in many areas of the world. There has also been an increased number of hurricanes per season. Gutters are essential to ensure water flows away from the home’s foundation and not towards it. Poorly functioning or broken gutters can cause damage to your home if not addressed. The more battering the gutters take from frequent heavy rainfalls, the more likely they will become broken down and damaged quicker.

Climate change affects the water cycle in several ways. While sometimes that can manifest as very heavy rains, it can also show up as droughts. As our global climate temperature increases, water vapor concentration is also affected. Thus, new precipitation patterns occur, such as heavy rains not seen in previous years.

Gutter Clogging

After heavy rainfall, debris, like leaves, trash, or branches, might be floating around. This can affect your home’s gutters and street gutters by clogging them. Heavy rainfall causes your gutters to accumulate debris, impacting the proper flow of water. Climate change impacts gutters as heavy rainfall can lead to more frequent clogs.

Make sure you’re getting your gutters cleaned regularly. Overflowing water can cause costly repairs to your home if not caught early. Adding gutter leaf guards is one way to help limit the amount of debris that accumulates.

Heavy Water

The weight of water in your gutters can cause wear and tear. Gutters’ primary purpose is to encourage the proper flow of water. They are not designed to hold large amounts of water at once. Heavy rain can make your gutters non-functional, putting them at a higher risk of damage or even breaking. The heavy weight of accumulated rainwater can cause loose screws or broken gutter pieces, leading to a huge mess in your yard and the need to replace your gutters entirely.

Rusty Gutters

As we’ve mentioned, heavy rain from climate change can also cause more wear and tear on your gutters, including rust accumulation. The materials used to build older gutters make them prone to rusting. More modern gutters feature rust-resistant materials that are more durable and designed to withstand large amounts of water. If you’ve noticed rust or corrosion on your gutters, it might be time to consider replacing them. Buying rust-resistant gutters can be a wise investment for the longevity of your gutters, especially in the wake of climate change.

More Frequent Gutter Cleanings

The average homeowner doesn’t clean their gutters enough. With the many tasks of owning a home, gutter cleaning is easy to forget about. Given the added effects of climate change, this could mean your gutters need maintenance more frequently. While once a year might have sufficed in past years, many gutter cleaning companies now recommend cleaning your gutters at least twice per year. By staying on top of regular gutter maintenance, you can help prevent damage to your home and rust on your gutters and help prolong their lifespan.

Some homeowners choose to clean their gutters themselves. However, gutter cleaning can be dangerous without experience. Before you DIY your gutter cleaning, be sure to have the proper safety equipment and technique. To learn more about gutter cleaning, check out these tips, tricks, and informational content. If cleaning your gutters is not for you, search for a local gutter cleaning company near you. They should be able to assist you in getting on a maintenance schedule to keep your gutters clean and working properly. You’ll be prepared for the next storm coming your way!

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